
Hola! Ahlan Wa Sahlan... Welcome to my kitchen blog!
Keep your eyes wide open while blogwalking here, you may stumble upon some points that might be of your interest. I am sharing it here with you so that you may learn from my mistakes and help you to get 'there' faster. On the other side, if you are much more experienced than I am, it would be very much appreciated if you're willing to share you experience with me too ;)) Enjoy your blogwalking!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cupcakes with Fondant

5 December 2010

My (Very) 1st Affair with Fondant

Aren't they so cute...??? I have been holding back to use fondant as a decorating media. Because...people here are very much health conscious that they could not afford to have it because of the sugar content. But there was one fine day I read on facebook that someone is giving a crash course on making basic figurines with fondant. What the...I just jumped in to register and taraaaa...these are the results. I am ready to take the challenge for cakes with fondant orders. Pour 'em in, baby!

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