
Hola! Ahlan Wa Sahlan... Welcome to my kitchen blog!
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Uruguay Flag for Hady

This special request was for yesterday's delivery. A special request from seven-year old Hady, determined his cake should come with an Uruguayan Flag. He is one type of a young man with a strong will and quite critical in analysing things though. That should be including how's the colour of the flag turns up on the cake, I suppose. So, I should be really careful in mixing the colour for the flag. And it was quite a challenging job to get the strong colour of the flag from a buttercream.

I used Frozen Buttercream Transfer technique to make the flag. It would be easier if I had used melted chocolate for outlining instead of buttercream. Unfortunately, I only remembered about it when I was done. Using melted chocolate would make the line more stable since it hardens after a while, and when you fill in the colours the outline wouldn't move anywhere. Now, you can imagine how the outline being pushed here and there a little bit whilst I filled in the other colours. Because this is a flag that should have a straight line, the end result looks a bit shaky on the lines here and there. Well, why not just imagine that flags should be waving on the sky...hehehhh...

However, Hady's mother, whom repeated order this FBC style cake (the first one was for her youngest daughter, Hala : see October's Charlie & Lola Cake), was quite happy to see the result. Eventhough the sun's outline smudged (again because I forgot to use melted choc instead of BC). It was quite a relief. I see that the colour of the cake is a bit dull, so I put a bonus of triple colour flavoured chocolate wafer surrrounding the cake, and's done!

The cake, as per the birthday boy's request, is Vanilla Sponge Cake. Filled with Blueberry in Light Syrup and covered with buttercream. Such a clever combination that he picked. Yummy! :)

Happy Birthday Hady, may you become a winner in whatever you wish for!

PS: Mind me, the pic above is the cake without cream borders that's supposed to cover the gap between the cake top and the FBC...I just realised that I hadn't put the borders after I did the shoot. Afterwards I didn't have time to re-shoot the cake and have to make do with the one you see here. That is: under a dull kitchen light. :(

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