
Hola! Ahlan Wa Sahlan... Welcome to my kitchen blog!
Keep your eyes wide open while blogwalking here, you may stumble upon some points that might be of your interest. I am sharing it here with you so that you may learn from my mistakes and help you to get 'there' faster. On the other side, if you are much more experienced than I am, it would be very much appreciated if you're willing to share you experience with me too ;)) Enjoy your blogwalking!

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Soft Come Back to Baking by Order

It's been quite sometime since my last posting. Been busy with the cutie lil' newcomer in the family. Since he was born I had to hang my mitten and apron. Not only was I busy with him, the house chores seems never ending too πŸ˜“.

However, my baby is almost two now, and I seriously feel the urge to resume my baking activity, to give way to all the ideas that is jamming my little brain.

Hence, I have started to bake again the last few weeks. Other than baking, I am sharpening my skill on cooking my ancestors specialty dish, and I know almost everybody is familiar with Beef Rendang. A dish that need patience (and passionate too) in cooking it. Why? Because this dish needs at least four hours to get to the right consistency. Btw, I managed to sell 9 kgs of Rendang last Ramadhan *grin*. Well let's talk more about it in another posting. For now let me welcome me back to the baking (or non-baking) world. πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘