
Hola! Ahlan Wa Sahlan... Welcome to my kitchen blog!
Keep your eyes wide open while blogwalking here, you may stumble upon some points that might be of your interest. I am sharing it here with you so that you may learn from my mistakes and help you to get 'there' faster. On the other side, if you are much more experienced than I am, it would be very much appreciated if you're willing to share you experience with me too ;)) Enjoy your blogwalking!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Birthday and Carrot Cake = Perfect!

When asked which type of cake that I always bake he likes the most, my husband answered undoubtedly "Carrot Cake, definitely!"

Actually, my question was to make sure that I don't bake something he wouldn't really eat for his birthday.

Yes, today is his birthday. A busy Saturday with the kids activities. I did the surprise alright for him and he enjoyed the cake very much. He had almost a quarter of it, eventhough for the sake of decoration I had to mix the cream cheese topping with some butter and more icing sugar for a better stand - which I normally omit.

Happy Birthday, Love!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Opera Cake with Gold Flake

The first time I made this cake last year, I didn't know that it would steal people's heart by the taste. Not only that, people also appreciate the time and effort I put in making this.

Last year just before Christmas, I made an Opera Cake to enjoy it ourselves at home. However, I did put aside some for an officer at my office building and some for a dear friend. To my surprise, both got back
to me and said they wanted to order one for their special occasions!

My friend ordered straight away for the following week, and the officer said that her niece wanted it for 26th January 2011. That was quite an advance order so far :)

Today I have delivered the cake and really hope that they will enjoy the cake and whatever celebration they may have.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ryan is 4

Vanilla Sponge Cake + Butter Cream and Edible Image

Repeat order is always encouraging. Knowing that someone is giving you another opportunity to brighten his/her special occasion with your creation will give you the spirit of giving your best in it.

Thank you Lynda for trusting Ryan's birthday cake to me. Having in mind that the cake will be consumed by Ryan's grandparents as well, she told me that she just wanted a simple two-layer cake with only butter cream on it, including the filling. What makes the cake special is the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive edible image that is put at the top of it. No chocolate, no fancy things....hehehhh... Actually, I should feel relieved that it was a simple cake to make. But somehow I feel that to make a simple cake look attractive is even challenging.

I used an eight-egg sponge cake with little dry ingredients. It turned out quite well ( I said quite because I can't judge on 'look' only). Even though I had done this a lot of times and always get good commendation of it, I really hope it had also pleased my little customer and his family today.

Happy 4th Birthday, Ryan! Keep smiling, Sunshine...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A 12th Birthday Black Forest

This cake has quite a unique request. My fellow parent volunteer in school ordered a cake almost at an instant after she saw my cake pictures.

Why is it unique? Because she wanted to have a birthday cake with edible image for his 12 year old turning-son, but she wanted me to put a picture when her son was 1+ year. I need to tell you this because if I don't, you may think that I made a mistake putting his age on the edible image.

I made this cake with passion and threw a lot of things on the cake. People trust me to make something on their special days, so I would put my total effort to do it.
One of my good friends said, I make cakes with TLC...Tender Loving Care, she told me. If I think I need to put more tid bits I will just put it eventhough it was not included in the budget. Well, not excessively, though.. My satisfaction is more
important than the price of a cake, I suppose.

Well, here are a couple shots of the cake.