
Hola! Ahlan Wa Sahlan... Welcome to my kitchen blog!
Keep your eyes wide open while blogwalking here, you may stumble upon some points that might be of your interest. I am sharing it here with you so that you may learn from my mistakes and help you to get 'there' faster. On the other side, if you are much more experienced than I am, it would be very much appreciated if you're willing to share you experience with me too ;)) Enjoy your blogwalking!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Muffin Tape Keju

Fermented Cassava with Cheese Topping Muffin

This muffin is another winner at home. They won my children's taste bud and quickly became a fave.

Even it's not as popular as my Brownie, it has added a new flavour experience for them. Will surely recommend this to you :).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Carrot Cake

Introducing the Carrot Cake that had made almost everybody who'd tried it fell in love with it. Almost? Hehe, that must be because of my son. A picky eater ever.

You see, why I always talk about my children here? Because this is the reason why I jumped the rope and put on the apron. They are everything, and with some experiments I have come to some stage, to know what the likes and dislike in my children's 'book'.

Well, back to the delicious Carrot Cake. I have baked this for many years and to no complaints, because the ingredients are nothing but yummy and healthy. This is my second winner from the oven at home, after my Brownie. 2nd because only my son still having a 50:50 mood on this one. I hope with the time flies, he will like this as much as he likes my Brownie.

Have a bite...and you'll never turn back to any other Carrot Cake :) Hard to believe? Bake one (or order from QnR Kitchen), and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Q's Birthday

I had a very busy week last week. It started with a request from my daughter to have a birthday party like a friend of her had. A simple one would do. Ideally, a simple celebration on D day should be sufficient. But when I looked at the calendar, I know that it would not be possible, because her birthday falls on the same day when the final exam started.

Not to be demoralised by that, I planned an early birthday party. Still a simple one, though. I marked the calendar and invited some of her closest friends from school. Designed an invitation card with my niece and had it printed it at a very low cost. I also arranged to have an edible image for her cake decoration. A chocolate cake but not brownies, was the request from the b'day girl. Alrighty, deary!

And so I just grab the idea of baking a TCCC, that is a Triple Chocolate Caramel Cake of Teh Uceu that I had in mind for quite sometime. At last I had the chance to try it out. I decorated the cake with an edible image of Q with Hannah Montana background. Grabbed the idea from a kitchen forum, NCC. That is really helpful.
The verdict? Not very good for weight watchers, but a heavenly chocolate for chocolate lovers... I guess the kids can afford it. :))

For the goodie bags, I decided to have all home-made stuffs, that is decorated cookies and chocolate lollipop. But...because my time management was not that good, I ended up delegating most of the cookies decorating and chocolate lollipop to my sister and daughter and my kitchen assistant as well :) That is: I can't expect to have a result that I wish for...hahaha...but that's alrite, really. We had fun making all those things and the experience is priceless.

Happy Birthday my Little Precious Girl! Eight is an early number to begin your teenage life. Enjoy childhood while you can! Smoochy...smooch...

Black Glutinous Rice

A few months back I got some black glutinous rice powder from a relative from Jakarta. So I search the food blogs to find out about what it can be turned into. My choice fell on a few recipes, however, so far I have only managed to make a couple of those.

First choice was a Cotton Cake Roll, paired with coconut milk custard filling

Second choice was a Chiffon Cake. I made it when my kids were recovering from bad diarhoea, flu and cough after our trip to West Sumatra last July.

Amazing son who's a picky eater really enjoyed both cakes. I wouldn't guarantee that he would show the same appetite if I cook the black glutinous rice traditionally.

30 Oct '10

Oh yes, I forgot to mention another type that I made with this BGR. During hari raya I made BGR Cookies mixed with sago flour. It was really awesome, and again, my son liked it so much! You can see the pic on my hari raya posting. The recipe? I got it from NCC mailing list: Semprit Ketan Hitam.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's Official!

I just want to have a quick update before the date changes tonight. I would like to mark this very day as an official day for introducing my kitchen label: QnR Kitchen.

Today, in line with Q's birthday celebration with her close friends, I took the opportunity to introduce my label by putting it on decorated cookie wrappers.

More smart & fun -but serious- works to do, such as time management, planning, design improvement and so on. Any positive kind of support would be appreciated. Thanks for all family and friends that have supported my kitchen activity so far. I look forward to serve you all in a much better and improved way.