
Hola! Ahlan Wa Sahlan... Welcome to my kitchen blog!
Keep your eyes wide open while blogwalking here, you may stumble upon some points that might be of your interest. I am sharing it here with you so that you may learn from my mistakes and help you to get 'there' faster. On the other side, if you are much more experienced than I am, it would be very much appreciated if you're willing to share you experience with me too ;)) Enjoy your blogwalking!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Japanese Style Cheese Cake

We had Nisfu Sya'ban prayers at my in-laws' earlier tonite. When i got to know it, I toyed with the idea of baking a JCC to test its market. So, in between the usual hectic Tuesdays - because I need to go to Q's school, pick-up Rq after school, fetch Rq back to school for extra-class, drive Q to Kumon, p/up Rq again n send him home, and lastly, p/up Q - I managed to bake the JCC.

After preparing the ingredients I went to Q's school for a meeting on NDP'10 n YOG. Went home after picking up Rq, We had our spaghetti lunch n then I started the ritual for JCC. Once it's in the oven for a 75 mnts au-bain-marie, I waited for Q's school bus n send Rq for his extra class at once. Q had her lunch n I let her rest for half-an-hour before rushing her to Kumon. JCC was still not done yet.

I picked Rq up fm class and reached home right when the timer on the oven went 'TING'! Good timing! I checked on it and added the baking time another 10 minutes, with a reduced temperature just to get the top browned a lil' bit. When it's done I left it inside the oven for about 10 mnts before opening the oven door. Then I left door ajar for about an hour, so that the it won't get a drastic change of temperature. Meanwhile, I picked-up Q from Kumon. Stopped by at FairPrice to get a tin of fruit cocktail.

Q has another session of tuition with Chang Lao Shi, at home. While she's occupied n Rq is in front of the talking box, I had the time to decorate the JCC with the fruit cocktail and some whippy. Voila!!! Packed the cakes, JCC and Brownies (which I baked the day before).
Once Q's done with her tuition, off we go to pick-up Ayah and to my in-laws... Ckckck, it's not only a hectic day for me though. Q had her part too.

The good part is, I think, the JCC passed the test of taste. The 7" cake went without leftover :)). Fortunately, I have kept some at home and will have it for breakfast with my hubby...hehe, I poured some of the batter in a few alufoil cupcases and baked it together w/ the big mould. Hmmm, can't wait till morning...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Black Forest and 3-Layer Sponge Cake for a Dear Cousin

I just finished two cake-order. Both came from the same person. Siti, my hubby's cousin's wife, had just delivered her third baby boy and is now still under maternity leave. She wanted to send these cakes to her fellow colleagues in school (she works in a school's general office) as a gesture of appreciation for her colleagues and teachers' support throughout her pregnancy.

The first cake is a Black Forest Cake. As you can see, I don't know why I like to have a minimalist look for any chocolate cake that I make. Because I think with the chocolate glaze and a touch of cherry, it shows the need the 'noisy' decoration...whoaaaa... :)). The BF is made of two layers of sponge cake with the usual dark cherry filling on top of a layer of whipped cream. Cover it with cream cheese and pour it with chocolate glaze. Perfect!

Second cake is a three layer cake, all three different flavour sponge cake. Vanilla, chocolate & coffee. Hmmmm, they are so nice and light! For filling I put a layer of bitter-sweet ganache and cream cheese custard. much eager I want to taste them after assembly, I can only dream of it. Perhaps I will make it again for the family next time... But the spongy texture was really appealing (I got to try all three flavours when I trimmed the sides ;)).

Covered with buttercream, I was quite lacking of idea on what to 'draw'. Because Siti didn't want any writing on it and just wanted a simple deco. So, after putting the borders I made the body of the clowns sitting at the 'beach sand' of brown sugar, piped out some greeneries and threw some sprinkles. Put the clowns' voila! A simple and cute cake.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Klappertaart Wilton

That Sunday, 27 June, my little nephew was coming for a visit with his mother (my SIL) and his older brother and sister. My kids were very excited waiting for his arrival from Bandung.

In the meantime, I found a reason to try out a new recipe that had been going around in the NCC forum. Bought three young coconut at the supermarket, printed out the recipe from Riana's Pennylane Kitchen blogsome and off I went to the kitchen to prepare the dish.

My SIL and kids arrived when the tart went in the oven for the second time with the topping. I think they were also quite excited to see how it'd turned out. But even so, the procedure of having a new dish on the table still applied. They had to wait for me to take the pics... :D. You can imagine how my 17 y.o niece looked so impatient and quickly grab a spoon once I said: "Alrite, ok...done!" But yet I stopped her while she was scooping the tart, "Freeze!" And took a few more pics while she held the spoon in the air. Good job, are such a good partner in food photography...hehehehhhh

Here you go.....

They happily had the tart. It was yummy and delic...but would be better when served cold. Just couldn't wait for it to be chilled, could they?